Rose Quartz is extremely famous for its healing properties.
The stone is reputed to help the wearer attract love and keep it. Judy Hall, author of the crystal book titled 'The Crystal Bible', says 'Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. The is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra.'
It also seems to be quite effective in protecting the wearer from pain and disappointment. In short, it seems to have a strong effect on emotional health and well-being.
Rose Quartz and Feng Shui
Rose quartz is extremely popular in Feng Shui, and you will find a range of objects containing rose quartz that are used as love cures.
Mandarin ducks, wealth pots, hearts, pots and gourds tied with a red string are particularly effective in Feng Shui if they are made from rose quartz.
The main reason for the stone's strength is the manganese and titanium it contains. This mineral content is particularly helpful in calming and healing the mind.
The Stone of unconditional love and infinite peace